Saturday, October 28, 2017

To Write?

Today is one of those gorgeous New York days. Sixty two degrees, with a brisk wind that keeps it exciting, and with a sense of anticipation in the air. Part of that is the approach of Halloween, and the succession of holidays to follow, and part of it is just the sheer unquestionable beauty of this area.

Today's a day to head out to the Strand Bookstore and pick up a used copy of a writing manual that I hope will give me some ideas for a story to write during Nanowrimo (that's National Novel Writing Month for those who are uninitiated). In spite of my unfinished mystery novel from last year with twenty paltry but crucial pages left to complete, I am considering diving back in.  Maybe it will be easier if it's not a genre that requires such tight structure and a surprise ending where it seems like surprises are impossible, as everything has already been done.  And yet, with three days to launch I still don't have a solid idea to write.  While the idea of diving in and typing away Jack Kerouac style has its appeal, I can't imagine the efforts from that will be worth the dedication it will take. Part of my brain is saying that the trying is enough.

I really would like to take a leap in and balls to the wall plunk something out, really stick to my word count, and finish the challenge. So what if the result is no good?  That's not we're supposed to be thinking about at this early stage any way, if I recall. For now, I'm committed to walking around in the city, maybe see if there are any decent podcasts that are out there to assist with this project, and to picking up the aforementioned book.  Later today I'll continue with journalling ideas, bouncing them around in my head, and tonight I'll ask the universe to help me with my decision.

Answers tomorrow.

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